
吳青峰與國際級音樂人的共創驚喜不只一首,我們從北歐的挪威,不到一個月,來到美洲的城市。六月甫發行與挪威小天后歐若拉共同創作的單曲〈Storm〉,華語樂壇才剛經歷一場音樂風暴,又展開雙臂迎接吳青峰另一個驚喜,一個與美國流行樂傳奇人物Rufus Wainwright(洛福斯・溫萊特)跨國合創的〈A Wanderer In The Sleeping City〉。

叱吒西洋樂壇20年的創作奇才,Rufus Wainwright的作品橫跨民謠、流行、爵士、舞台劇,到歌劇,無一不精通,如果說Rufus是藝術家中的藝術家也不為過,這位藝術家驚喜於青峰的創作才華,進而共同作曲。從青峰哼唱的demo,演唱的幾句英文歌詞,觸動了Rufus的靈魂,Rufus自然地共同編寫進旋律,並且更進一步的把二人腦內的劇場幻化成文字,詞,也就這麼誕生了。


[A Wanderer In The Sleeping City歌詞]

創作者 Writers/吳青峰 Qing Feng Wu、Rufus Wainwright

製作人 Producer/陳君豪 Howe、吳青峰 Qing Feng Wu

編曲 Arrangement/錢威良 Will’z Chieng、吳青峰 Qing Feng Wu

Walking at the break of dawn 
Everything is boarded up 
I remember that boutique 
And that theatrical bookshop 

How I miss that old cafe 
And the corner bakery 
Oh you should have seen the city 
Waking up to yesterday 

Maybe soon the world will understand 
That we’re all just trying to do the best we can 
Maybe soon the world will finally wake 
From the nightmare that we take for being awake

Turn the corner up the hill
Got a lotta time to kill
And from up here I can see the city lights
And still believe 
In what I see 

Walking at the break of dawn 
Everything is boarded up 
I remember that boutique and 
That theatrical bookshop