小塵埃(Lil’ Ashes)2022年全新派台作品〈finish it don’t quit〉,演譯愛情關係之中矛盾漸多的階段,兩個人的心聲與對話,大概也是每個戀愛過的人的切膚經歷。
感情關係是一段旅程,就算不至動地驚天,也總有高低起伏。到達〈第二次告白〉那般甜蜜蜜的階段,從來沒有捷徑;情侶之間,誰沒有經歷過彼此傷害的日子?從浪漫的愛情幻想, 到面對實際相處的瑣碎,兩個人私人空間的交疊,往往導致關係慢慢破裂。若是二人堅持不輕易放棄,返到愛情的起點,重頭細想相愛的初衷, 感情反而昇華。
〈finish it don’t quit〉由小塵埃親自作曲及填詞,合作無間的東城及一丁分別擔任編曲及監製,輕快的節奏化解沉重的心事。
曲:Lil’ Ashes
編:東城 EAST CITY / 李一丁
You like to do it that way
and think that you are perfect
Blah da da da
But i do it in my own way
Why can’t you just listen
Why ah ah ah
Crossing the line, did I? No, did I?
Nahh ah ah
Living with a fire that’s in your heart
Lemme see it through and be lit tonight
Together Together
Lots of lots of love that’s in my mouth
Lying on your chest hear you beating fast
I’m sorry umm m m
I fell in love
I will never stop loving you
We fell in love
We will never
I like to do it that way
and think that I’m really perfect
But you do it in your own way
Why can’t I just listen
I‘m sorry umm m m
Pulling all this shit
Finish it don’t quit
My dearly
Remember the day you kissed
on my rosy cheeks
I mean it
--Select Duration--1-6 Months7-12 Months12+ Months