A 90s inspired lead to the promised land
Kiro Prime just dropped a bomb that will make all the dance floors worldwide explode with bass!
The bass house scene has been up and down lately, but a new leader has emerged to take it to the next level. Kiro Prime is here to save the day! He’s got the support of all the big names in bass, like Malaa, Wax Motif, BIJOU, Borgore, MorganJ, and more. With his 90s-inspired rave beats and chug-like percussion, he’s bringing a fresh new wave of energy to the genre.
Don’t sleep on KP, folks—he will be a game-changer. His beats are soooo infectious. You can imagine we get a lot of new music sent to us, so it’s hard for a new track to grab us from the start, but there is just something about this bounce. I would love to hear KP do more and to do that; he needs your support, so go to his Instagram and follow him. Help him shake the foundations of Bass House and leave us craving for more. Go for the extended mix when you do as its soooooo much better than the radio edit and it is the track we will be playing ON AIR Kiro Prime is set to take us on a wild ride and it looks like a lot of fun if this is just the beginning. Check it out below, then head to Beats EDM Station to get more of what you’re looking for