
CoCo Lee was one of the nicest interviews we ever had the pleasure of doing. In 2016 we had scheduled a short brief phone interview to discuss the release of a new single. Instead, we ended up talking for over an hour and though the edited version of the interview was reduced to 37 minutes. It’s an interview that, above all, stands out, not so much for the discussion about her new single, but rather how easy she was to talk to.  Though our lives took very different paths, the conversation was about how coming to Hong Kong and where it had taken us individually. She was funny, bubbly and a genuine pleasure to interview.

IN 2018 we had the pleasure of interviewing Coco again and were quite stunned when she told us she recalled the interview and how she had enjoyed sharing the experience of the magic that is and was Hong Kong. Over the years, we have interviewed hundreds of A-list superstars and those hoping to become the next A-lister; all of them are enjoyable to talk to, though it is only natural that some are more enjoyable than others. Perhaps we catch them on the right day or the right time, or we remember that we may be the 15th interview they have done that day about the same song and answering the same, or at least very similar questions. So we make an effort to be that bit more engaging and more enquiring about them as individuals, and we enjoy a different type of connection. When this happens, as it did with Coco Lee, it makes life so much more enjoyable. Coco gave her fans and music lovers around the world a huge amount of pleasure and a feeling of connection. They and we will always be grateful for the connection she gave us.